1. 'This Town' - Luke Vassella 'By The River' song series 2024

1. 'This Town' - Luke Vassella 'By The River' song series 2024



Thanks for watching Luke Vassella's 'By The River' song series, a collection of bittersweet love songs to Lismore recorded live on location. These songs are honest reflections from a town recovering from Australia's most expensive natural disaster to date.
Real songs for real people in real places.
Bookings: info@lukevassella.com
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'The Town'- Words & Music by Charles Luke Vassella
This town used to be a safe harbour
This town made me want to work harder
To make a difference somehow
In this town I could raise my family
In this town I could deal with a calamity
Things are different now
Lately I get an empty feeling
Every day someone else is leaving
But I'm still around, in this town
Didn't we see some revolutions
In this town we were part of the solutions
Now it's a faded tattoo
This town gave an education
Walked and talked to the whole damn nation
Now it's a worn out shoe
I can't help it it's an empty feeling
Every day I feel more like leaving
But I'm still around
Riding the waves upon waves of sorrow
We hope for the best or at least better tomorrow
But I can't let go of this town
There used to be a lot of good people
They just up and disappeared
There used to be a lot of tall trees
They were burned out, cut down and cleared
In this town there's a thousand stories
Everywhere the ghosts of past glories
Tell them in every way
But this town's still sacred to our heart
Lismore always made a new start
We'll be born again because we're dying everyday
Like all creation, we're groaning