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Luke Vassella is an exceptional singer-songwriter from Lismore NSW; an authentic song-man with an atmospheric sound. His affection for the Northern Rivers region echoes across a catalogue of insightful songs that resonate with listeners at home and abroad.
His recent releases, “By The River Song Series" , "In A North Coast Town”, “Something Good” & “Confusing Them With Our Joy” showcase Luke's unique craft for distilling the temper of our time through song.
“A unique, genuine Australian voice, presenting a chronicle of our times in songs of love, longing, faith, protest or just simple history.” - Jennie Dell (founding editor The Lismore Echo, former journalist at The Northern Star)
With thousands of performances since 1999, Luke has produced a body of original songs warmly regarded for their vulnerable honesty and velvet musicality. This is acknowledged with three Australian Songwriters Association Awards(Best Live Performance, 2*Best Australian Song), the Karl Brodie 'Best Song' Australian Roots Music Award 2017, and seven NCEIA(North Coast Entertainment Industry Association) awards across a career now spanning a quarter century.
Luke Vassella is among the finest of Australia’s quietly influential singer-songwriters, with a legacy that speaks to generations.
“The true sound of the Northern Rivers” - The Northern Rivers Echo 23/6/16